Meenaxy Vashishtha on Networking, Delegating & Growing Go Organic With Two Kids

February 10, 2020

About This Episode

In The Forward Thinking People Podcast with Namita Ramani, Meenaxy Vashishtha, mother of two wonderful children and the founder of GoOrganic Juices, talks to us about her incredible journey of growing GoOrganic from a self-managed start-up – where she both made the juices and delivered them herself – to a funded business that has grown to incorporate a secondary brand, Pure Press. She shares her struggles with managing time, prioritizing the kids while also managing the business, and how she planned growth and went from delivering her own juices to having them stocked in Carrefour.

Things we discuss:

  • Journey to launching Go Organic
  • Launching her brand from her kitchen to a full fledged business
  • How she balances motherhood with running a business
  • Her decision on launching a second brand
  • Getting her juices into Carrefour
  • Prioritizing work and professional life
  • Go-to’s for maintaining focus & avoiding overwhelm
  • The importance of local collaborations
  • Why networking is crucial for new businesses
  • Importance of delegation and hiring the right staff
  • Setting up goals and visions for the business

Notable moments:

(14:03) It was too much for me to handle, there were 2 small children, handling a business especially when you’re doing it all by yourself can be extremely stressful (and there were times when I used to do delivery myself)

(16:50) Something which I have realized – don’t do things yourself, because you’ll get yourself frustrated – hire people!

(19:38) The growth happened happened so fast in 2015 that I wasn’t ready for it


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