5 Things That Might Be Hurting Your Website

5 Things That Might Be Hurting Your Website

From an appealing design to a compelling copy, from amazing images & graphics to the best marketing strategy – you’ve got everything at place that makes your website attract visitors like a thorough professional.

However, all this excitement fades away when you notice that your visitors are turning away from your website in a mere span of seconds.

Does that sound like a trouble? Well, of course it does.

We live in an era of skimming and in a time where information is not scarce – keeping the visitors enticed enough to stay on a website for more than a few seconds can be a struggle. Even the minutest of mistakes can cost conversions on your website.

If your visitors aren’t converting into actual customers, it’s time you check whether you’re making any of the following mistakes.

1. Your content is difficult to understand: Not just the language, even the font of your text as well as colors of your text & background can determine how easily people can read and understand the content on your website. If the content isn’t comprehensible, it won’t even lead to any conversion.

Keep your language simple yet convincing, use high-contrast color combinations and stick to larger fonts to give visitors a better experience whether they’re on desktop or using a mobile device.

2. Your registration requirements are pushy: How will you react if you go on a website of your interest & every time you try viewing something of your choice, it sends across a message like ‘Please sign-up’ or ‘log-in’. Using gated content certainly helps in driving prospects to your sales funnel. But if you apply it everywhere, it’s only going to drive the visitor crazy. When creating registration opportunities, be sure of the fields you add.

3. Your offers aren’t relevant or appealing: You may craft a highly compelling offer, but it’s extremely important to check its relevancy. If the offer you’re pitching doesn’t connect with your target users, you’ll notice a higher bounce rate. Offers are the gateways to lead generation, create offers that are targeted and aligned with your business. Support them with a convincing copy & guided call-to-action.

4. Your product hasn’t been explained properly: The visitor who comes to your website is certainly looking for some information. But, if you fail to share your product’s features with your customers clearly on your website, then you can’t compel them to move down the sales funnel.

And while you explain the features, always focus on the benefit as this is what going to appeal to the visitors more. They are always keen to know how a particular product can benefit them.

5. You don’t have a guided call-to-action: Your visitor may follow your offer and land on your website landing page. But that doesn’t mark an end to your job. In fact, your job doubles from here as you will now have to guide the user to take an action & invite them to buy your product or service. Remember, your customer will never take an action unless prompted. Be it your blog post, an offer page, or any page linked to your product marketing; ensure to include a compelling and relevant call-to-action to persuade visitors to take action.

Analyze your website today & rule out all the possible hurdles that are causing your valuable visitors to turn away!

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