How To Target Your Facebook Posts To Increase Engagement

How To Target Your Facebook Posts To Increase Engagement
Social media: it is one of the key tools to success in digital marketing.

In this internet-savvy age, the online presence of every brand or business is a must. Not only does it help create awareness (which is just the first step), but it also allows every business to get connected with their consumers. It allows them to build relationships and engage with their audience, which is what helps convert these social fans into loyal customers.

While there are a number of social media platforms to choose from, the most dominant & cost-effective solution for almost all businesses is Facebook. 

Having a Facebook page is just the first step – what’s imperative is to manage it effectively and actually engage your audience. What you post should be relevant, should excite your audience and make them want to interact with you. 

So how do you get the most out of what you post? 

Type of Post

Are you posting images, status updates, or videos? What’s doing better? Every business will find a certain type of post structure to work better for them. Test what kind of post type does better for you and receives more attention. Generally, images with text captions are eye catching and receive attention while on the newsfeed scroll. 


Timing is crucial with everything in life, and it’s no different when it comes to managing your social profile. Your basic question in this case – when to post? Post your content, when you know most fans are logged in. Log in to your insights and have a look at when most of your fans are active on Facebook. Create a log to see which posts received the most engagement, and track what timing generally did best. 


Obviously, you can’t post anything and everything. Know what to post! Create content that is helpful to your target audience. We understand that a business can run out of content that is specific just to their product/service. Which is why you need to understand that it’s not about you, it’s about them – your audience. They don’t just care about your product, they care about the pain that it solves for them. Why do they need it in the first place? Create a mind map to identify your audience’s avatar, which will help open up a number of subjects you can talk about that are relevant to your audience and your method of helping them.

Finally, Boost!

Whatever you post only reaches about 10% of your total audience organically. Which means that when you see a post that is doing extremely well, you need to pay to boost it and reach more people. Capitalise on its success to increase engagements and increase the number of people talking about your brand.

Want to learn more about Facebook marketing?
Why not attend our free workshop on 3rd February, 2015 where we talk about the best methods to get more conversions with your ad spend on Facebook.
Register for the event here.


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