So you took that gigantic leap and actually invested money in order to get your business more visibility. After all, this is what everyone around you advised for. You were made to believe that Facebook ads are simply perfect for your business and they’ll help you build in new customers; get more likes and a lot more.
And now that you’ve taken the plunge, you feel as if everything was merely a bluff. You aren’t getting any clicks, no conversions, no likes―in short; your Facebook ads are not just working.
However, before you put the blame on the numerous advises you bagged, just hold on and see what actually might be causing you the trouble.
Ideally, Facebook ads must help you increase promotional audience and build significant conversions. If you feel your Facebook ads aren’t working, here’s what might be going wrong:
1. Images of the ads are not good
In social media-land, image is undoubtedly the king. Different images tend to produce surprisingly different click-through rates. While designing the Facebook ads, you need to see that the images are eye-catching. They should be appealing enough to hold on the visitor’s attention rather being the case of blink-and-miss. When designing ad images, be clear about your marketing message and target audience. The color coding must be contrasting or complementary so that it attracts the user. Avoid using too much of fonts, limit it to 1-2. And if you can add some text to it like a call-to-action, it will simply be great.
2. Your audience is wrong
Facebook ad targeting happens to be both its greatest benefit and biggest drawback. It can be very frustrating to experience a 90% bounce rate. When setting up ad campaigns, you need to balance between narrowing in on the most important group and widening the reach to deliver the scale you want. When your target audience base stands too wide or too narrow, the ads won’t work well. Keeping a very narrow audience increases cost per click so it should only be used when you have a focused audience that you know will buy from you. On the other end, keeping too wide will have a low cost per click but the ad won’t show so much and frequency will be less owing to which you will miss out on making an impact to the people that matter.
3. The ad copy
If your ad copy is wrong then there’s a high chance that the ad won’t work. Copy is a very important part and there is a strategy on how copy should be written when selling. Your ad copy must relate to your product or service you are advertising about. It’s one way of direct marketing that can result into immediate sale. There is a definite strategy you need to follow when writing the ad copy or content. Read more about writing effective content that converts here:
4. Your landing page
The landing page is where the person goes to once they click the ad. If that page is not set up right, chances are that you just wasted the cost of the click since the person landing there won’t be convinced due to the poor landing page and would apparently leave. It can be a very important factor in actually converting people through your ads. Analyze if your landing page is compelling enough to make users take the call.
5. Your selected bid
It’s important to select the correct kind of bid type when creating your ads. Some bid types are CPM (cost per 1000 impressions), CPC etc. Each has its own benefits and is closely tied up with the kind of audience you are targeting and the objective of your ad.
Analyze your Facebook ads to make sure you aren’t making any of these mistakes. If these are averted, there is no chance for your ads to miss on bringing out desired results.
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