Account Disabled, Suspended or Hacked? [Part 2]

We got hacked! And it was an eye-opener!

When your ad account is hacked, it’s like being cut off at the hip and then being asked to run a marathon. We know the feeling. We went through it. With all clients in the red at one shot because of a hack that came out of nowhere, it disrupted our otherwise peaceful daily lives and good performing campaigns.

This episode in particular talks about our journey when we got hacked. The moment we realized what was happening and the steps we then took to get our Facebook Business Manager cleared off the hack activity. It was a long process and the light at the end of the tunnel was possible only with the unconditional support by the Meta support team. Whenever we think of the hack, our immense gratitude towards the team is a natural reaction.

The episode details out the steps you should take when going through a hack. It seems to be a commonplace issue today. Facebook ad account is hacked. Instagram page or profile has been hacked. It’s like an epidemic. You don’t have to panic, nor do you have to give up. You can get out of it. Remain patient. See the journey through the entire way. There will be fruitful results.

If you need any help or guidance, please reach out to us in the comments below or on We would be happy to have a chat to point you in the right direction or work with you in more detail to solve the concern.

Tune in to this episode to watch us discuss our journey on being hacked.

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