The Space Between a Lead And a Customer – And How To Close It!

The Space Between a Lead And a Customer – And How To Close It!

One of the most common complaints we hear from businesses once they start advertising on Facebook is,

“Sure we’re getting tonnes of leads, but very few of them are actually converting into customers”. And as an agency that primarily works on generating leads for our clients, we deal with this quite often.

This stems from the common misconception that if you aren’t seeing actual conversions, then the ad campaign must be failing.

Here’s the truth, your campaign is actually working. Because this happens even when the most relevant leads are generated.

It is absolutely crucial for you to realize that not all those leads are going to automatically convert into customers.

Every ad campaign that you run, has a ratio of conversion; that is the number of leads it takes for you to get one customer and this ratio is what you should be basing your campaign’s success on. Once the leads have been generated, you have to focus on getting that conversion rate up!

But why don’t leads convert immediately.

Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and realize that your leads are real people. They have real concerns, real problems and are maybe even on a budget. All your leads are on a different purchasing cycle. Some of them may just be interested in a product, but not ready to buy it. Some of them are in immediate need of it. But remember, most of your customers are somewhere in between the two stages.

You need to be on your customer’s mind the moment they are ready to make the purchase.

The truth is, you really need to get into your customer’s minds and understand their perspective. If you manage to do this successfully, you can easily convert your leads into customers once they are ready to buy.

So here’s how you do it.

  1. Get to know your ideal customers.
  2. Understand their needs.
  3. Link their needs to what they actually want.
  4. Consider all their pains and fears.
  5. Keep track of those factors that stall them from making a purchase.

Once you’ve taken note of these, it’ll be a LOT easier for you to find ways and means to convert those leads to customers and get that conversion rate up!

To get you started, we’ve come up with a list of psychology-driven tips to keep in mind when creating your marketing strategy.

  • Always use novelty. New products, new offers and packages to entice your customers.
  • Make sure you explain all the benefits of your products and focus on how it solves a specific need of your customer.
  • Use social proof and testimonials.
  • Tell a story or use the power of ‘controversy’, but carefully.
  • Make it seem like your product or offer is scarce and create a sense of urgency in your customer.

Bear in mind, there’s a whole process involved that turns these leads into customers. And, you’re absolutely right if you’re wondering whether this is too much of an effort.

What you need to do is come up with a strategy to determine how much effort to put into your leads.

Determining whether your lead is worth the effort is crucial because you shouldn’t be wasting time on a lead that has absolutely no intention of buying from you.

Once you’ve removed the dead leads from your sales funnel, sort your other leads into three categories: leads that are ready to buy immediately, leads that plan on buying within the next 1-2 months and leads that are looking to buy within 6 months.

Then develop a plan of communication for each of these lead categories. While you must work hard on capitalizing the immediate lead, don’t lose focus over the rest as they will be your future customers, should you put in the effort.

Your safest bet is to get their Email ID’s and put them on a mailer list that automatically sends informative emails related to your products.

So remember, all your leads aren’t just going to convert. You actually have to put effort into converting them to customers. But make sure that you aren’t wasting time on leads that aren’t going to convert at all. If you need some more insights on how to bring in those leads in the first place, check out our article on 10 ways you can use Facebook ads to generate leads.

If you have any questions on the topic, or want something answered, send an email through to and we’ll address it on our Facebook Live sessions, or directly via an email response.

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