Here is what I am watching on Apple TV+

Here is what I am watching on Apple TV+


Hey there! Namita again with you 🙂

This time an early newsletter… and not waiting for months to send another one!

I spoke to one of our clients after the last newsletter was sent out, and she shared how she enjoyed reading my newsletters and why had it taken me this long to send the previous one? (Yes, the last newsletter was sent after almost three months)

She also shared that she was surprised to know I cycle almost every day, and the link to the cycling adventure with my husband in Italy was not working!

Now that shows that she actually read the whole newsletter as this information was right at the end in “PPPS” 😀

Before I forget, here is the link to our cycling trip to the Domolites, Italy. One of the best cycling trips I have ever done!

To be honest, so many things happen daily, and I have so many stories… I can literally churn one newsletter a day.

But that would mean flooding your inbox with all news about me and Above Digital, and I would never do that.

Spamming you is not my intention at all. 🙂

Enough of my banter! Going back to the subject of this mailer. 

My sister-in-law recommended a series on Apple TV+ called Ted Lasso, and she insisted we watch it together. 

She was watching the same series with me for the 5th time… and I was like, really… Do you want to watch it again?

She said, yes, of course. I love it, and every time I watch it, I learn something new.

She added that she shared a few learnings from this series in a client presentation at work last month. 

That was enough. I was sold. And I thought to myself; I need to really watch this show. 

We started with the first few episodes together, and I couldn’t help but binge-watch it. 

Every episode of this series has amazing learnings, especially if you are an entrepreneur, CEO or managing a team. 

Here are some of the leadership lessons I learned from this series without revealing much of the story:

  1. Believe: I believe in hope. “I believe in belief,” he proclaims. Now it may not work out how you think it will or how you hope it does, but believe me, “It will all work out. Exactly as it’s supposed to.” And it’s impossible not to believe him.Belief is all in mind. And I agree with Ted on this. If you really believe in what you desire… it has to happen. 
  2. Build Relationships: Getting to know people on a personal level is foundational to creating high-performing teams and lasting client relationships. Remembering birthdays and anniversaries and being curious about people is one of the ways to achieve this.
  3. Attention to details: By paying attention to details, you communicate, “I see you, I hear you, and I value you”. Recognising small details and understanding what’s important to others, Ted knows details matter.There is a lot to work on this one for me!One of our values at Above Digital is to Focus On The Details. And we do this while managing client campaigns. However, I think there is a lot to look into in other aspects of business relationships as well.


  4. Be a Goldfish: This one is my favourite. “You know what the happiest animal on earth is? It’s a goldfish. Do you know why? It’s got a 10-second memory.” says Ted in one of the coaching sessions.Now here I am a bit better, and Thank God for that! Phew!Something good I can talk about myself for change. I think I, too, have a memory of a Goldfish. I forget everything very fast. I would be an elephant if I remembered the smallest mishaps, every misspelt word in an email, and every argument. :D.

    The root cause of pain, as Buddha says, is our attachment, so by forgetting and letting ourselves be the blissfully unaffected goldfish, we’re detaching and thus allowing ourselves to be happy.


  5. Unlock the potential in others: Ted has this amazing ability to see the potential in his team and holds them capable of excelling.The best thing a leader can do for others is to believe in them.Rather than judging people, what would it be like to start with the assumption that people are smart enough, resilient enough, competent enough, brave enough and good enough?


  6. Taking Tough Calls: #spolieralert Ted decided to bench Jamie, one of his star goal-scoring players from the game, at a crucial moment because the player refused to recognize that he was part of a team. This showed he was a risk taker and was ok not to be popular for the greater good of the team.Leaders who tolerate individual behaviour at the expense of the team don’t build cohesive and high-functioning teams that deliver results.
  7. Being Curious: Ted doesn’t believe he knows it all. He doesn’t have all the answers, but he has all the questions, which helps him understand people more, understand the game better and grow as a human being overall.Being curious and asking questions enables us to understand more, assume less, learn more, judge less, build stronger relationships and help others learn. 
  8. Positivity: Last but not least, Ted’s over-the-top enthusiasm and positivity help develop a soft spot for him despite the initial resistance from his team and his boss. Lasso’s “can-do” attitude does become contagious and raises the collective vibration of everyone around him.

It made me think how sometimes I get into negativity and self-sabotage just because something didn’t work out.

We all fall into this…would you agree?

This is the time I need to remind myself to be positive and keep the belief that this downturn is also on my path to achieving my goals and vision.

Whether it is about recognizing the potential in kit man “Nate the Great”, unlocking the leader in the sulky team caption Roy, breaking through Rebecca’s armour or instilling the value of teamwork in Jamie, Ted Lasso makes everyone around him a better person. He does this with unrelenting optimism, positivity and curiosity and a deep belief in people and their potential.

There are many other learnings I can share should I continue writing, but that would make this newsletter only longer. 🙂

I highly recommend watching this show. This is by far my favourite show and is going to be surely on a repeat for me.

Until next time, 


PS: I would love to hear your thoughts on this newsletter. If you have seen the show, I would be keen to know your takeaways! 

PPS: This is the first time I have been personal and shared something that is not related to digital marketing at all. This is huge for me, but this show has made such a big impact on my mindset that I cannot wait for everyone I know to watch it. 

PPPS: A big apology for the wrong link to our cycling adventures. Here is the link again. Just click on View Story as you land on this page. If you are not able to get the link working, here is the link to my Instagram and in the highlights section you will see #Cycling

PPPPS: We will be launching our training and workshops soon. If you would like to be the first to know, Click here to subscribe for the launch mailers.

PPPPPS: Link to JanuaryFebruary,  March and July mailers.

….You must be wondering about this series of PSs in my email! Are you?

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